
Contact Us

  • The Websters
  • 800-482-9801
  • 11 N. Main St. Ashland, OR 97520

Store Hours (PDT)
Wednesday, January 8th: Closed for Inventory

Monday - Wednesday: 10am to 5:30pm
Thursday: 10am to 7:30pm
Friday - Saturday: 10am to 5:30pm
Sunday: 11am to 4pm

About us

Located on the Plaza in Ashland, Oregon, we specialize in high-quality, natural fibers as well as one-of-a-kind Art to Wear, including handmade clothing, hats, handbags and jewelry. Shop online or stop by the store, either way, we'll be delighted to meet you.

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Schacht End Delivery Shuttles

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The Schacht End-Delivery Shuttles are the ultimate in shuttles designed especially and precisely for handweavers. They are lightweight, comfortable to throw and catch, adjustable to a variety of yarns, and easy, really easy, to thread. Available in 12" and 15" sizes, the end-delivery shuttle has a pirn which remains stationary, instead of a free-spinning bobbin. The weft yarn unwinds off the pirn's tip when the shuttle is in motion and stops unwinding when the shuttle stops. The yarn comes off the pirn and goes through a set of tension pads and comes out of the shuttle at a constant tension. This even delivery of weft causes less draw-in, which in turn makes better selvedges.

Product Detail Info

Schacht Spindle Co.

Schacht End Delivery Shuttles

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